Chat Gpt 4 vs Google Bard | Complete Analysis

Why Compare Chat Gpt 4 vs Google Bard?

Recently, there have been two big AI players competing with each other on AI Advancement Microsoft with their Chat Gpt especially Chat gpt 4 and Google with its newly launched Bard. So, it makes sense to compare both and many people want to know which one is better and what are the differences. So, Figure out who will be the winner.

Chat Gpt 4

If you are wondering what is Chat Gpt 4. To get a better understanding I directly ask “Who are you give me some information about yourself in detail”

And Here’s what it replied

I am ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, which is based on the GPT-4 architecture. I am designed to generate human-like text based on the input I receive from users.

As an AI language model, I have been trained on a vast amount of text data, including books, articles, and websites, in a wide range of topics, such as science, technology, art, history, politics, and more. I can understand and respond to a broad range of queries in natural language, using my knowledge base to provide relevant and accurate information.

I can be accessed through various platforms, including websites, chatbots, and messaging apps, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as customer service, content creation, and educational or research purposes.

One of the main advantages of using a language model like me is that I can provide quick and accurate responses to a wide range of questions and tasks, without the need for human intervention. This can save time and resources and improve efficiency in various contexts.

However, it’s important to note that while I can generate human-like responses, I am not a human and have limitations. I may sometimes make errors or misunderstand the context of a question. Additionally, I am not capable of independent thought or decision-making, and my responses are limited to the information and knowledge that has been programmed into me.

So, As it says Chat Gpt 4 is an AI language model built on gpt 4

How Chat Gpt 4 Works?

Chat Gpt works similarly to any other AI, which simply uses data given to it to learn from it. As per reports Chat Gpt is using 2021 data but recent updates are showing they are bringing internet data crawling as well.

What is the current Chat Gpt 4 Stats?

TypeLarge language model
Release dateTBA
Parameters100 trillion
Attention heads16
Transformer decoder64
Transformer encoder64
Flops11.1 petaflops
TPU v4 pod1
Training dataBooks, articles, code, and other text
TasksGenerate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way
LimitationsChatGPT-4 is still under development, so it may not always be able to understand your requests or generate the desired results. It is also not able to perform actions in the real world, such as driving, eating, or having close relationships.

Google Bard

Similar to Chat Gpt I ask the same question to Google Bard

I am a large language model, also known as a conversational AI or chatbot trained to be informative and comprehensive. I am trained on a massive amount of text data, and I am able to communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions. For example, I can provide summaries of factual topics or create stories.

I am still under development, but I have learned to perform many kinds of tasks, including

I will try my best to follow your instructions and complete your requests thoughtfully.

I will use my knowledge to answer your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open ended, challenging, or strange.

I will generate different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc. I will try my best to fulfill all your requirements.

I am excited to be able to help people in a variety of ways, and I am always learning new things. I hope that you will find me to be a helpful and informative resource.

It is impressive but not that good you can clearly see saying it’s in beta and also it is not as detailed as it should be but basically, Google Bard is running on the LaMDA language model and has more data than any other AI currently.

How Google Bard Works?

Google Bard Works on the LaMDA language model with real-time data from the Google search engine so you get many recent answers not possible accurately.

What is the current status of Google Bard?

TypeLarge language model
DeveloperGoogle AI
Release dateJanuary 18, 2023
Parameters137 billion
Attention heads16
Transformer decoder64
Transformer encoder64
Flops11.1 petaflops
TPU v4 pod1
Training dataBooks, articles, code, and other text
TasksGenerate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way
LimitationsStill under development, so I may not always be able to understand your requests or generate the desired results. I am also not able to perform actions in the real world, such as driving, eating, or having close relationships.

Differences between Google Bard and Chat Gpt 4?

Here, Are some differences I clearly notice using them and I am going to make them into sections and what I found more useful in both of them point by point.


When it comes to usability currently Chat Gpt 4 is much better, especially with the answer it provides being pretty specific and detailed whereas Google Bard tries to be safe and doesn’t provide answers in detail and often gives generic answers.

Also, Plugins and APIs build a good Ecosystem for Chat Gpt 4 like AI SEO Tools or AI Copywriters

Winner: Chat Gpt 4


So, Here google Bard provides very fast answers compared to Chat Gpt 4. Even with 3 Drafts, Bard’s speed is unmatchable.

Winner: Google Bard


Both, Chat Gpt 4 and Google Bard provide accurate answers. However, if you ask me I will choose Chat Gpt 4 over Google Bard due to the simple reason that Bard doesn’t go into detail. Also, I am not comparing it to current affairs questions as Chat Gpt doesn’t have current data. If that is considered Google Bard provides many accurate answers.

Winner: Chat Gpt 4


From the response, I mean how well it responds on the first go when surprisingly Google Bard gives a better response with multiple drafts.

Winner: Google Bard


When it comes to giving creative answers. I ask both some Jokes, meme questions, poem making and many things and personally, I like Google Bard’s responses more creatively than Chat Gpt 4.

Winner: Google Bard


Chat Gpt is much ahead of Google Bard in Coding related queries it can provide various approaches. Understand it very well and provide a well-structured answer to the queries.

Winner: Chat Gpt 4


When it comes to how easy a tool is to use I definitely like Chat Gpt 4 more than Google Bard. Not sure about others but personally I like the Chat Gpt dashboard, functionality, and support everything more than Google Bard

Winner: Chat Gpt 4


When Google Bard was in Beta it was very dull in providing a summary of something but now it is much more accurate and even better than Chat Gpt at some point.

Winner: Google Bard


Similar to coding, Chat Gpt is way ahead in maths problems I ask some of the most difficult questions still Chat Gpt was capable of solving them much better than Google Bard

Winner: Chat Gpt 4

Different language

Personally, I leave in India so my primary language is Hindi. So I need many prompts in Hindi as well. Similarly, Many people will face the problem so which AI is more accurate in different languages. Surely it is Google Bard. Chat Gpt is way behind in these sectors already.

Winner: Google Bard

Who will win between Google Bard and Chat Gpt?

Well, Currently Chat Gpt is more popular but for sure Google Bard has current data and fast speed and will surely overtake it in future. I can clearly see the difference when using it, especially speed Google in beta gives much faster answers than Chat Gpt.

But due to the open source nature and early mover advantage of Open AI, I can see a healthy battle if they do some quick updates people may stick with Chat Gpt 4 forever.

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