Tools and services I personally use

Tools and services I personally use and recommend

Most of them are free and I am only sharing tools that I use personally and are industry-leading. I have put affiliate links on some of them as it helps me get some commission and run my journey also this does not raise the cost whereas you might get some discount.

Design Tools

Canva Review logo


Without any mention, it has become necessary to use. It helps in design, trimming videos, and now also social media scheduling at the lowest cost.

Adobe Creative cloud Express

Adobe Suit

It contains everything a designer needs Expensive but worth it. Also, they are trying to be cloud-based too soon.

Tools and services I personally use


Best UI design software also instant design software that also almost free

Website Builders



It is best for a non-technical person this website is also built on WordPress with some plugins and good hosting



Looking for an E-commerce Solution for your website nothing better than Shopify



You can create a highly customized, robust site for portfolio and service-showing websites.

Hosting & Domain

Hostinger logo


Best shared hosting at a competitive price and has many data centres around the world

hostarmada logo

Host Armada

A cheapest and fastest shared cloud hosting provider with many data centre

Cloudways logo

Cloud Ways

Best Managed Cloud hosting website and app hosting requires no technical skills

SEO Tools



Best tool for SEO competitive and keyword research. In fact, it has many other features

Surfer logo

Surfer Seo

AI-based On-page SEO optimization software now has many other features too.



The Most Accurate and Cheapest AI writer currently with fixed unlimited plans


rank math logo

Rank Math

I have been a Rank Math user from the date it launched at used it till now

IthemeSecurity logo


WordPress has security issues and this plugin is best to prevent them



Elementor is a go-to page builder for wordpress website

Wprocket logo

WP Rocket

When it comes to speed optimization no one can compete WP-Rocket

Marketing Tools

GetResponse logo

Get Response

GetResponse is one of the best marketing suites with many features and comfortable pricing

Send in Blue logo

Send In Blue

Send In Blue is the best and most budget-friendly email marketing software

Klaviyo Review


When it comes to eCommerce marketing, nothing can touch Klaviyo

Productivity Tools



Without Grammarly, you might not be able to read my website though!

Tools and services I personally use

Chat GPT

With the changing world, I have started taking advantage of AI tools with the most popular added here that is Chat GPT

Skill share

Skill Share

Skillshare is the only place where I learn by paying something!

Other Tools and Services



Best place to hire someone I have worked as both buyer and seller and it’s wonderful

Youtube Logo

Youtube & Linkedin

Youtube and LinkedIn has always been learning platform for me

Loom Logo


I use Loom for sharing quick explanation videos.